Learn What Spiritual Malady Is And The Role It Plays In Your Recovery

The way humans think is on a spectrum of self-centeredness and god-centeredness. When dealing with the disease of alcoholism we are selfish and self-centered beings. We use everything and everyone, even when we stop using alcohol and drugs to cope with thesefeelings of being unsatisfied and uncomfortable in life. The more we focus less on […]

A beginners guide to starting a sober curious lifestyle

Research shows that if you maintain these types of toxic relationships, your chances of relapsing are greater. To avoid relapse and remain sober, it’s important to develop healthy relationships. Some of the immediate changes you will need to make will be obvious—like not hanging around the people that you used with or obtained drugs from. After […]

Levofloxacin- Can You Drink Alcohol? Health Insights

While the combination of Levaquin and alcohol might not kill you, it can cause seriously dangerous side effects. You can also help prevent interactions with Reyvow by taking it exactly as your doctor prescribes. If Reyvow doesn’t come with paperwork, you can ask your pharmacist to print a copy. If you need help reading or […]